Wednesday, July 27, 2011

9 weeks...

Feeling pretty shitty now, not that I expected anything less at this point.  =/  The kids are starting to wonder why momma is feeling so yucky, but for now, to their knowledge, I just have a terrible tummy bug.  Med's aren't working anymore, I am puking constantly.... I see a hospital visit in my near future!

9 weeks 2 days... I look like a druggie from my Short Stay hospital visit yesterday.  It took 4 sticks before we got a vein that would take, one vein blew, and that hurt like a mother!!!  I got 3 bags of fluids and some IV Zofran.  Shakyra was with me, but of course she is oblivious to what is going on.  I just told her that mommy wasn't feeling well and the dr's needed to give me some fluids to make me feel better.  She was an angel!  I brought her ds, books, coloring books and crayons to keep her entertained.  Shelby was at my parents house, so she doesn't know.

Ugh!  I am feeling like crap this evening.  I slept for an hour this afternoon, and then got another 2.5 hour nap.  Maybe I am just exhausted?  I hope I wake up feeling better in the morning, cuz my tummy is not doing well, and I usually feel decent for 3-4 days after being hydrated.  I keep contemplating a picc line... however, I really don't want one... and the risk of infection from having one scares me!  Plus, I am pretty confident, with my access to Zofran much better this pregnancy, I think I will be able to keep the hospital visits to a minimum, or at least, I hope I can!!

I am getting to the point where I am dreaming about using my doppler.  I bought it after we lost Steven.  It was what kept my sanity when I was pregnant with Shakyra.  Listening to her every night before bed was music to my ears.  Hopefully soon I will be able to hear Skittle.  I may try in a few days, even though it is still early.

I can't wait for my u/s next Tuesday.  If all goes well, I think that is when I will spill the beans... but for now...

The secret remains....

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