Monday, October 24, 2011

22 weeks.....

My OH my!! Hard to believe I have 17 weeks left! No more(induction at 39 weeks as far as I know) and no less(I AM going to do everything in my power, of course, unless Skittle is in dire need of being born, to keep her in there till then!)!! Skittle has mastered the heartburn dance... however, I have attempted to teach her another routine, yet, she doesn't listen. Guess that is what I get when she has Shakyra DNA in her! ♥ I still wake up nauseated every morning. So I am still take my Zofran, every morning, sometimes evening if I am feeling not so hot! I have felt less stressed the past few days. I know part of that has to do with knowing she has a perfect heart! ♥ I haven't had as many nightmares as I was having. Thank god... because seriously, they were getting REALLY bad, and I was going to ask for sleeping meds to help my brain not function like that when I was sleeping. SCARY! I have an u/s and perinatologist appointment on Thursday, 11 am. The closer it gets, the more nervous I am about it. The cardiologist said he only seen stomach and intestines in the chest... so I am glad, that in 7 weeks, that that hadn't changed... but ugh, I know its all unpredictable... and at any time... things can shift/change. Hoping for the best... and that it is NO change at this appointment. I also learned that CDH babies can have a problem with too much amniotic fluid. A condition known as Polyhydramnios.  Greeeeeeeeat... just what I need.  But, we are going to NOT have that problem!!  =)  Trying to stay positive here... we have enough on our plate!  I imagine that, at the coming appointments, her fluid levels will start being monitored.  I really don't know.  I am learning as I go.  I will also ask when my appointments start becoming more regular, since Skittle is considered viable in 4 weeks.  EEP!!!  Never thought I'd make it this far, but I couldn't be more thankful!!

♥ 22 weeks ♥
All *3* of my girls.

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