Thursday, October 27, 2011


The ultrasound went great!  Yay!  As far as we can see, it still looks like stomach and intestines are the only organs in the chest.  The tech was checking blood flow(the liver makes the blood flow look like a tree) and that seems to still be in the stomach, but maybe close to the diaphragm.  But being as we don't know where the hole is at, we just hope it STAYS that way!  So 8 weeks, and no change!  Woohoo!  I can accept that!  She was stubborn, of course, so no profile pictures... so no 3D face shot yet.  We could see the muscles on her arms and legs, and her cheeks are starting to fill out.  She is estimated to weigh about 1 lb 4 oz right now.  I think she was estimated to be 11.5-12.5 inches long.  I can't remember.  She is in the 77% for her growth, so I am a HAPPY momma!  ♥

♥ Cute lil fingers ♥

♥ Cute lil legs getting stronger ♥

♥Lil foot, and cute lil toes ♥

 ♥ Love 3D pictures! ♥

♥ Thank goodness! ♥

♥ Love her cute lil feet! ♥

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