Friday, September 2, 2011

Another ultrasound...

So... my u/s today was NOT what I expected. I am hoping, crossing every T and dotting every i.... that the "possible" diagnoses of my Skittle is wrong!  Skittle has a possible congenital diaphragmatic hernia.  Best case scenario, it's mild, can be corrected around 3-5 days after birth, and she will have a great recovery and grow back some of that left lung that is being compromised.  However, worst case scenario, I will say goodbye to my skittle shortly after delivery, because worst case scenario, her lungs wouldn't ever be able to sustain her body, and it just wouldn't be a quality of life.  My child's quality of life means more to me than being in pain and suffering.  =/  *sigh*  This is not what I expected today.... obviously I have felt pretty good about things.  Please kyfx(keep your fingers crossed) that this is also a GIRL. We got a few glimpses, but not really enough, it was too hard to tell.  We do, however, think it's a girl.  In the case of having this diagnoses, it would be better if Skittle is a girl, it's better odds since its very well known that boys are a LOT wimpier in the beginning, and girls are much stronger fighters.  Go us!  =)  So that is today in a nut shell.  It's going to be a long ass 13 days till my next u/s... but I can only hope that we see something positive, or at worst, no change. ♥

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